Today we talk about Wisdom From Above The Clouds 66 Daily Meditations, a book by Vincent Amos published with our publishing house Europe Books.
Europe Books had the pleasure of interviewing the author Vincent Amos to get to know him better and what was the moment that led him to the writing of his book Wisdom From Above The Clouds 66 Daily Meditations. He also told us, in detail, what he wanted to communicate to the readers with his work, as well as what he would ask to God, if he had the chance to “actually” to talk to him.
Below you can find our interview. Take a seat and enjoy your reading!!!
- Is there a particular moment in your life that led you to the writing of your book? What was that?
During the last few years, my travel schedule was highly intense. I was flying over 125,000 miles (201,000 kilometers) per year, with both domestic as well as international travel. My travel schedule required me to have two American passports; due to the fact a passport had to be submitted to a foreign embassy or consulate for a VISA to be processed. Meanwhile, another international trip would surface; thus, I would use the second passport for that business travel. Air travel has a lot of inherent time delays. Therefore, I used the time of extended layovers, weather delays, mechanical delays, and cancelled flights wisely. While I was in the business lounge, I would write down random thoughts on various types of interest. This kept my mind active and it made the delayed time quite productive. Typically, I would continue writing once I got to the hotel and finalize the writing on a particular topic within the next week. Like most successful authors, or even with first-time future authors, there is a book which is heart felt and full of passion which is deeply held inside of them. The key issue is to take random thoughts and commit these thoughts to paper. In other words, just get started. Getting started in the hard part of self-motivation; needless to say, it is the only way to get the book out of the mind’s thought process and onto paper. There is an American saying that “Rome was not built in a day; but, step by step, we will get to Rome”. Writing takes time; it takes discipline; it is a concentrated effort that requires the total though process of the author. However, writing a book must be a labor of love. Each author has to be focused and self-driven. Although, it was very intense, the random thoughts in my mind became visual random thoughts on paper. Then the thoughts were rewritten into distinctive intelligent paragraphs; subsequently, reread and self-edited. Later paragraphs were connected together with the right transitional phrase in order to construct a full topic of a meaningful whole concept or understanding. Momentum and consistency were keys elements for me. I tried to write something every day; even if it was just a short sentence. A good sentence is a success; because it leads to more good sentences, then to great paragraphs, which leads to a great narrative. Although, the world is very busy; and most people are multi-tasking to accomplish their own individual requirements for the day, each person must think about how they are going to utilize their limited spare time. I have found that writing a book takes patience. It takes time.The human mind does not work like a machine. We are human beings, not robots or computers. Consequently, thoughts have to flow. Sometimes a particular thought on any given subject would not be fully visualized until 3 o’clock in the morning while I was in the middle of sleep. Therefore, with joy, I would get up and write down the rest of the issue until the thought was complete. Thereafter, go back to sleep. I remember on several occasions that I would be awaken with brilliant enlightenment 3 or 4 times a night. Those times were not great for consistent uninterrupted sleep; however, they were great for writing, which was my delight of author satisfaction.
- What do you want to communicate to your readers?
This world needs help. Our planet, our home called earth, is greatly in need of improvement in so many areas. I want readers to know that humanity can not proceed forward in the next 100 years in the same manner that we have in the pass 100 years. We only have one planet. There is not another planet. Nor will there be another planet to go to and colonize. The earth is our perpetual habitation. All of my readers around the world must know that humanity needs improvement. Although we live on different continents, come from different nations, speak different languages, have different religious believes, have different cultures, we truly have one thing in common, we are all human beings. Therefore, we formulate humanity. Humans are the highest form of intelligent living beings on earth.However, so many actions which we do are contrary to the survival of human life, animal life, planet life and the life of the entire planet. No one will save us but us. It is the obligation of humanity to save humanity. The issues are profound, they are directly before us. We encounter them on a daily basis. We can stop the proliferation of dumping plastics into ocean; thus, contaminating the oceans and destroying marine life. The reckless discarding of plastics and other forms of pollution simply result in planet destruction. Pollution is an undiscipline, selfish, arrogant, obstinate, and reluctant man-made problem that man can fix. It was caused by man and it can be corrected by man. Lower organic life forms are crying out for our help so that they can have a clean safe environment in which to survive. The earth is crying out in pain, as the air is being polluted, and the water is being polluted, and the land is being polluted. There is work to do on the issue of care for the environment. The various other issues of; war, justice, poverty, materialism, landmines, and superpowers are addressed in the book in terms of raising the conscience of human understanding. Each of these issues must be resolved with a level of international comprehensive that bends toward peace and world improvement. Additionally, and most importantly, I wish that the readers around the world will achieve their own level of individual self-improvement. There are 66 total topics, and brevity is used effectively to get to the point. I hope that all readers will reflect on the personal topics; wisdom, patience, anxiety, money, love, joy, hope, faith, and so many other profound topics. This is a fun book of deep reflection and understanding; and I hope that all my readers will have fun enjoying this book.
- How did actually talk to God, and had to choose the 3 most important things to tell him, what would they be?
Actually, I talk with God on a daily basis. However, this is me as a visible man talking with an invisible God. This is a natural man talking with a supernatural God; which is the physical talking with the metaphysical. Therefore, my conversations with God take place on a spiritual level. However, if it were directly possible for a mortal man to have a direct physical conversation with the immortal God and still live, then all of my questions would be short open-ended inquiries. I would do very little talking and a whole lot of listening. These would be my questions for understanding and improvement.
- How can man-kind achieve world peace?
- What ways can we make this world a true brotherhood?
- How can man as the creature, come closer to God as the Creator?
The rationale behind each of the above questions is very profound and straightforward.
On the first issue, this world does not need another war. There have been too many wars in human history. War simply rearranges the pieces on the human chessboard of our existence. Wherein, one war tends to set the stage for the next war with a never-ending cycle of continuous destruction and massive calamity. Moreover, and very sadly, mankind has developed weapons so lethal that the entire planet can be destroyed with nuclear weapons in less than a few hours. This is both due to the blast effect and due to the level of intense radiation emitted in the land, air, and sea. Man with the help of God must make war obsolete and non-existent. We observe with the second issue that high technology and globalization has connected the world in a most profound fashion. Indeed, the world has come closer as a neighbourhood; but, the world is very far from being a brotherhood. We should have brotherly love between the nations of the world. Instead, we tend to have brotherly exploitation between nations with the large nations often times taking advantage of the smaller nations. The improvement of humanity requires true concern and true brotherhood. A world brotherhood has to include proper resource utilization and resource sharing which is equitable for all people. Mankind has not achieved fair and balanced international brotherhood; nor has mankind achieved brotherhood within each nation, of the nation’s own citizens. We truly need God. Finally, on the third issue, man needs to get closer to God. Man without God is humanity on the road to rapid destruction. Many of the ills of society would be resolved if the created creature called man, would come closer to his Creator called God. Man drifts aimlessly in this world apart from God. Man is very dependent on God; and cannot fully resolve issues or problems without the guidance from God.
- Are you planning to write more books?
The short answer with brevity is yes!
I certainly hope that Europe Books will publish them. There is no need to seek another publisher. Europe Books is superior in all regards of professionalism and has demonstrated outstanding excellence in production, marketing, and distribution.
Book # Two (2). I am about 90% finished with another book, entitled “Topics From Above”. However, this book is very narrow in scope. It is religious in nature and is designed more for church officials. The book goes through each chapter in the Holy Bible and takes groups of verses to formulate sermon topics. It is more like a reference book, designed to look up various topics for a sermon, religious conference, program, or Bible Study. The audience for this book will be narrowly focused.
Book # Three (3). I have only written a 20 part subject outline for this book.I shall write this book with my two daughters. The daughters will be the primary authors and I shall assist them as required. This sensational work of literature shall be a combined book about life as well as a recipe cookbook. The title will be “Things About Life That Our Father Taught Us While Cooking”. It will cover such things or topics as:
- Save Money and Invest Money
- Always Use Manners All The Time
- Don’t Worry About What Someone Else Has
- Stay Away From Gossip
- Know Where Babies Come From – They Come From Sex
- Everyone Is Not Your Friend
- Reading Good Books Is More Important Than Watching Television
Again, there are 20 total topics that are basic things about life that the book will explore. Each topic will be a readable 4 – 5 pages; and there will be a picture of a 20 great dishes, along with the recipe of how to make them.
This book is real world based upon true experiences of me, as a father, teaching my daughters how to cook. While we were cooking, I would teach, train, coach, and mentor them about the various issues of life in the process. Thus, the kitchen was used as a facilitator to with bring father and daughter together. We made great meals and had great discussion about life.
“Things About Life That Our Father Taught Us While Cooking”shall be forthcoming and it will touch a very wide audience around the world.
Europe Books thanks the author Vincent Amos once again for taking the time and answering our questions. We are really pleased to have walked alongside him on the editorial path that led to the publication of his book Wisdom From Above The Clouds 66 Daily Meditations. We wish him the best of luck for his book and for his future works.
To you, my dear reader, I feel I do not want to add anything else, in addition to what is described with wisdom and depth by the author, but I wish you to enjoy what you have learned and acknowledge so far, thanks to this very interesting interview.
Your Editor!